Announcing Our Partnership with RSi Ansa

We’re excited to announce that we’ve partnered with Retail Solutions, Inc. (RSi), the leading technology company enabling CPG manufacturers and retailers to drive increased sales growth and profitability. RSi’s Ansa automated analytics solution will enable Chicory to connect and measure the performance of digital shopper marketing campaigns running in support of the nation’s leading retailers with in-store sales.

What is RSi’s Ansa?

Ansa, powered by RSi, is the SaaS digital transformation company that enables the world’s leading CPG manufacturers and retailers to grow, profit and win, from supply chain to shelf. Ansa provides daily store-level sales data to life, delivering insights on the in-store effectiveness of digital shopper marketing campaigns at the nation’s leading retailers. Partnering with CPGs, media providers, and agencies, Ansa provides intelligence across the campaign lifecycle by planning and targeting smarter, optimizing in real-time based on performance, and delivering insights to fine-tune strategies for future programs. With Ansa, CPGs gain a true understanding of sales lift and receive critical learnings from every campaign.

How will they help?

To help close the loop between online advertising and in-store sales and connect ad lift with ad spend, RSi’s Ansa will provide Chicory with store-level analytics using POS sales data. As a result, Chicory will be able to plan, target, optimize and measure shopper marketing campaigns for clients. By understanding the reach of the campaign based on percentage of sales at key retailers, RSi’s Ansa identifies stores with the greatest sales potential prior to Chicory launching hyper-local media. Ansa automatically enables us to optimize campaigns and shift budgets more efficiently and when needed based on store-level sales performance in-flight. With detailed end-of-campaign analytics, we’ll be able to provide our CPG clients with measurable results, like as incremental percent lift and sale dollars in as little as 5 days after a campaign has ended. 

“We’re extremely excited about the new partnership between Chicory and RSi and the valuable insights and data we’ll be able to glean,” said Chicory’s CEO and Co-Founder, Yuni Sameshima. “Partnering with RSi through their Ansa solution allows us the opportunity to leverage their reputation as a trusted shopper marketing campaign measurement company. We’ll be able to execute more precise and optimized campaigns--even down to the store level--and deliver more detailed reporting to our clients who are already working with RSi.”

“What excites us most about this partnership is the opportunity to combine RSi’s ability to provide the fastest, freshest and most granular analytics on ad performance with Chicory’s commitment to serve hyper-relevant ads to consumers in the moments when they’re planning their grocery purchases,” said Michael Quinn, GM Business Development and Innovations at RSi. “The combination allows Chicory clients to hone campaigns in real-time, maximizing sales outcomes and ROI for our CPG brand partners.”

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