Case Study: Seafood Campaign Drives Sales During Lent


Seafood Board Drives Sales During Lent Through Contextual Advertising

Lent is the ideal time for food brands to target consumers with healthy alternative products as many shoppers make momentary lifestyle changes - giving up sweets, carbs, or other traditionally “unhealthy” foods of their choice for 40 days. We partnered with this seafood board to promote sustainable, wild-caught fish as the perfect substitute during a time of natural swaps.





ATC Rate


Sales Lift


As custom dictates, every Friday during Lent is meatless making this the perfect time frame for non-meat proteins to steal regular share of cart away from carnivorous carts. With traditional Lent-based seafood recipes in mind, this seafood board decided to capitalize on this moment of dietary change and support sales of sustainable, wild-caught fish.



They partnered with Chicory to activate Premium in-lines and pairings units across Chicory’s network of 1,500+ recipe sites. Premium in-line units 1:1 targeted the ingredients cod, halibut, salmon, and pollack when they appeared in recipes such as Mojo Salmon Bowls and Crispy Cod Tacos. Premium pairings units contextually targeted recipe categories within the Chicory network such as fish, healthy, pescatarian, and quick & easy aligning the advertisements with recipes like Pan Seared Scallops and Healthy Quinoa Salad. All premium ad units were made shoppable at a single retailer using Chicory’s shoppable technology.

Upon clicking, shoppers were taken to the promoted retailer’s website, where shoppers could learn more about the products or make a purchase,

The campaign also included a sales attribution study,measuring the impact Chicory’s media had on sales at the retailer.



Overall, targeting and strategies proved to resonate with consumers yielding an OSB rate 53% higher than the benchmark. This seafood commodity board saw a ROAS of $4.31 to $1.00 over the course of the campaign and a 15.5% sales lift.

Chicorycase studies